8 Construction Industry Trends to Watch in 2021

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8 Construction Industry Trends to Watch in 2021

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2020 has been undeniably a devastating year for everyone and every field.  The lockdowns, quarantines, social distancing, and the casualties caused by the virus has shaken humanity beyond imagination.
Although the construction sector faced a significantly worst side of the 2020 wrath, with all the lockdowns, the New Year promises hope and better changes.  Despite the gloominess, experts and specialists have begun the work in full swing to make the best of 2021.
Below, we have summarized the top-8 construction industry trends to watch in 2021!

Innovation with Green Living

Although eco-friendly buildings have been quite a luxury previously, we expect to see a rise in the trends of greener architecture in 2021. In actuality, these may become a standard for homebuyers.
According to surveys, buildings account for about 40 percent of energy consumption in the United States and about 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, we saw an 11 percent rise in renewable energy resources in the energy market. Now, this indicates a positive trend in the depletion of building share in energy consumption.
In 2021, we expect to see more and more building plans using environment-friendly construction material and lower carbon footprints. Plus, greener rooftops and front gardens will be giving off a more peaceful and calming effect, which is beneficial for both the psychological and physical health of occupants and passersby.

Smarter Communication

One thing that the pandemic and lockdowns have given us is the realization of technology’s usefulness. When the virus pulled us all apart, it was the technology that allowed us to stay connected and functional.
So, in 2021, we expect a surge in smart communication. Although construction requires a lot of physical work, employees will be using digital methods wherever possible.
Team chat apps, staff scheduling software, and online conferences are some of these digital work methods that will get used commonly in the construction industry. It also means that the recruitment of IT-skilled professionals will increase in the construction sector.

BIM & VDC Design Technology

Advancements in technology have brought great ease for architects and builders. BIM, i.e., Building Information Modeling, has replaced CAD and taken the designing and drawing process of a building to a virtual world. As for builders, the VDC, i.e., Virtual Design and Construction, has eased the construction process, and financial management tools are helping in identifying potential flaws and issues beforehand, savings costs, and time.

Usage of 3-D Prints

The concept of 3D first became commonly-known in the 2015-16 era. However, now, we can see notable buildings as a result of the efficient 3-D printing mechanism.
Construction done through 3-D printers is quite a lot quicker and accurate than traditional methods. The printers directly transmit the design into a physical form, which offers much better results.
As a consequence, it also reduces labor costs and waste production. We expect 3-D printing to become the standard construction method due to its efficiency and sustainability-promoting nature. Well, the trend is already on the rise, with companies 3-D printing entire neighborhoods!

Modular Construction on the rise

Fundamentally, modular construction refers to prefabricated buildings that comprise several (often similar) sections called modules. The parts of these buildings may be fabricated elsewhere and then brought on-site for compilation sort arrangement. This convenient and innovative architectural style is gaining popularity by the day, mostly because it goes hand in hand with several other trends, such as 3D printing and conservation of resources. We expect it to gain a rise in value to about $108.8 billion by 2025. The rise may be a result of a lack of labor or cutting-edge technology.

Changes in Supply Chain

Pandemic has greatly messed up the traditional supply chain practices. Throughout 2020, contractors and suppliers were left trying to prevent losses and rescue their deals.
A lot of contractors had to find alternative suppliers or invest three times more in materials than the average market price. For example, some bulk purchasers had to get ceiling fans, air conditioners, and other machinery stock at 3x price.
Hence, these professionals experienced losses. These things have disrupted the relationships and trends in the construction industry.
So, in 2021, we are expecting the contractors and suppliers to challenge the norms and take more risks. There will be a lot of experiments made by these people, and we will notice a stabilization in the supply chain by the start of 2022.

More Drones on-site

On construction sites, we are observing an increased use of drones for monitoring purposes. It enables relevant authorities to keep a check on the operations going on, whether everything is coming along as planned, and if they need to implement any changes or safety measures. It makes working remotely possible, which provides an overall boost to the overall operation and performance.

Prioritizing Safety at Work

Another rising trend in the construction industry is the prioritization of safety. Usage of masks, sanitizers, and gloves will be mandatory for all employees.
The building, designing, and development requires teamwork. However, considering SOP measures, we would see people working in a smaller and socially-distant group. It also signifies that projects will take longer to finish with lesser people working on-site.


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